Sunday, October 23, 2011


This class has opened many doors (technologically speaking) that I had no idea existed. In these past weeks I have learned important information that I will incorporate in my future classroom. I was not sure how Blogging will help me, but it has helped me get my feelings out in the middle of chaos.
A lot of these programs like Acrobat, overwhelm me because I see the endless possibilities it has to offer that I do not know how to take it all in. Quest Garden is a program that I really love and I would definitely use it with my future students. My WebQuest has been a difficult journey. The more I research, the more excellent examples I come across that makes me want to change topics. I had no idea that so many WebQuests were out there. I just want to make sure my own project is interactive and easy to follow. Currently, I am working on all my text and hope to have done this week! For some reason I feel so overwhelmed :( I just want to make sure I learn and know how to apply all this new knowledge later on. I hope to have finished all required projects in time...Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

WebQuest Idea

Hello! I have finally made it to! I am definitely out of my comfort zone, but I am happy that I finally get to blog. For my Web Quest project I want something fun and interesting so students can interact and learn at the same time. The examples are great and started my though train going. At first I thought I wanted to do something like a Language Arts Web Quest or something for English Learners. I ended up thinking about a Social Studies project after looking up the CA standards. I remember doing a project on Lewis and Clark back in 5th grade that I had a lot of fun doing. I came across 3rd grade standards and found this:

3.3 Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land.
1.      Research the explorers who visited here, the newcomers who settled here, and the people who continue to come to the region, including their cultural and religious traditions and contributions.
2.      Describe the economies established by settlers and their influence on the present-day economy, with emphasis on the importance of private property and entrepreneurship.
3.      Trace why their community was established, how individuals and families contributed to its founding and development, and how the community has changed over time, drawing on maps, photographs, oral histories, letters, newspapers, and other primary sources. 

I think it would be great for students to research their own city and learn about its establishment. I would like for them to look up maps, create them, interview people in the community, and even make videos of their findings. I hope this project enables students to learn more in depth about their community and surroundings. Wish me luck!!!